The Hollywood Reporter XXI asrning eng yaxshi filmlari ro'yxatini e'lon qildi
E’lon qilingan sana: · 423
The Hollywood Reporter XXI asrning eng yaxshi 50 ta filmini e’lon qildi. Filmlar ovoz berish yo‘li bilan tanlab olindi. Roʻyxatga 2022-yilgi filmlar kiritilmagan.
Ro’yxatdagi filmlar orasida o’zbek tiliga o’girilmaganlari mavjud va ular original nomda keltirilgan.
- 'Yi Yi' (2000);
- 'Inside Llewyn Davis' (2013)
- 'The Gleaners and I' (2000);
- «Zodiak» (2007);
- «Mulholland Drive» (2001);
- «Ruhlar olami» ('Spirited Away') (2001);
- 'Brokeback Mountain' (2005);
- 'In the Mood for Love' (2000);
- «4 Month, 3 Weeks and 2 Days» (2007);
- «Daf bo’l» ('Get Out') (2017);
- 'Boyhood' (2014);
- «Oy shu’lasi» ('Moonlight') (2016);
- 'Burning' (2018);
- «WALL-E» (2008);
- «Itning kuchi» ('The Power of the Dog') (2021);
- «Beg'ubor aqlning abadiy quyoshi» ('Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind') (2004);
- 'Talk To Her' (2002);
- 'Shoplifters' (2018);
- 'Drive My Car' (2021);
- 'Far From Heaven' (2002);
- «Parazitlar» ('Parasite') (2019);
- «Quyosh botishidan oldin» ('Before Sunset') (2004);
- «35 ta rom» ('35 Shots of Rum') (2008);
- 'Timbuktu' (2014);
- 'Call Me by Your Name' (2017);
- 'Y tu mamá también' (film nomi tarjimasi — «Sening onang ham») (2001);
- 'At Berkeley' (2013);
- 'A Serious Man' (2009);
- 'The Death of Mr. Lazarescu' (2005);
- «Mari Antuanetta» (2006);
- «Dengiz bo’yidagi Manchester» ('Manchester by the Sea') (2016);
- 'The Return' (2003);
- 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' (2019);
- «Ijtimoiy tarmoq» ('The Social Network') (2010);
- 'The Favourite' (2018);
- 'Lovers Rock' (2020);
- 'Wendy and Lucy' (2008);
- «Inson bolasi» ('Children of Men') (2006);
- 'I Am Not Your Negro' (2016);
- «Soul yozi» ('Summer of Soul') (2021);
- «Faun labirinti» ('Pan's Labyrinth') (2006);
- 'Never Rarely Sometimes Always' (2020);
- «Grizzli odam» ('Grizzly Man') (2005);
- 'Things to Come' (2016);
- 'Bridesmaids' (2011);
- 'Pariah' (2011);
- «Yorqin yulduz» ('Bright Star') (2019);
- «Vaqt» ('Time') (2020);
- «Qora Pantera» ('Black Panther') (2018);
- 'Weekend' (2011).
The Hollywood Reporter — AQShning yetakchi jurnali bo’lib, u AQSh kino sanoatidagi o’zgarishlarni kuzatib boradi.